Duluth Area Pickleball Association

Advanced Pickleball Strategy

There are many resources available online for helping you improve your game.

Jeff Shank Strategy Videos

The following videos were put together by Jeff Shank, a 5.0 player from Florida. The seven videos combined are a little over an hour in length.

Video #1
Pickleball Strategies Part 1 of 7
1:07Serving location
Return of Serve
4:21Return of serve
8:47Return of serve vs. bangers
10:02Holding your paddle up
10:45How to stand when your partner is receiving the serve
11:58Taking the third shot down the middle
Video #2
Pickleball Strategies Part 2 of 7
Third Shot
0:14Where to stand to get ready
0:47Reason for choosing a drop shot
1:21Demonstration of drop shot
1:41Choice of third shot
2:12Working your way up to the non-volley zone (kitchen)
2:38When your partner hits the third shot
4:28Learning the drop shot
5:07Key things for third shot (placement, watch the ball, move to the ball, practice and drill)
6:54When not to do a drop shot
Video #3
Pickleball Strategies Part 3 of 7
0:00Pregame communication
1:40Etiquette in open/rec play - hit to better player
2:52Calling the ball
3:23Calling out or good
4:15Watch your partner
5:13When not to lob
6:00When to lob
6:51If you hit a bad lob
7:41If you hit a good lob
Net Dribblers
8:45If you hit a net dribbler
10:11If your opponent hits a net dribbler
Video #4
Pickleball Strategies Part 4 of 7
0:00These are tips, not the only way
1:00Why hit the ball deep
2:11Playing against a lefty/right combination
3:35Being supportive of your partner
4:01About dinking
4:16Staying square to the ball
4:50Avoid cross-stepping
5:23Smooth, unhurried stroke
5:45Keep your wrist stiff
6:00Dink cross-court or to the middle
6:20Flat trajectories vs. curved
7:00Dink to the feet
7:54Stay close to the kitchen line
10:18Play with no ego
10:44Playing with a better player
Video #5
Pickleball Strategies Part 5 of 7
0:00Play to opponents' weaknesses
1:03Power of the soft game
3:11Watch the ball
Playing with those better than you
3:41Play with players a little better than you
4:20Making good decisions vs great shots
5:11Time management
5:28"Telling the Future"
7:11Learn forehand and backhand equally
7:49Watch top players on YouTube
9:04High bounces close to the net
10:08Fake poaching
Video #6
Pickleball Strategies Part 6 of 7
0:00Ready position
1:02Lift balls at your feet
2:15Hit harder or higher when backpedaling
3:04Poaching small
4:22"Around the Post" defense
5:05First shot against bangers
6:22Serving against spinners
7:04Hit higher to hit deeper
7:33Hit short hops for time management
8:24Hitting overhead smash
9:21Hitting a short shot when opponents are back
Video #7
Pickleball Strategies Part 7 of 7
0:23Hit serve return to better poacher
1:12Let person who calls "Mine" take the ball
2:06Let middle ball go through if you can't see your partner
3:11Net dribblers
4:40Half volley/short hop when dinking
Hitting overheads
7:00Location more important than power
7:33Hit short hops for time management
8:32One opponent up and one back
9:55If partner is up and you are back

Joe Baker Strategy & Drills

Joe Baker's YouTube Channel


Doubles Pickleball - The Basic Overall Strategy
Doubles Pickleball - The Basic Overall Strategy
Doubles Pickleball Strategy 101 - Ten Basic Tips
Doubles Pickleball Strategy 101 - Ten Basic Tips
Doubles Pickleball Strategy 102 - Power
Doubles Pickleball Strategy 102 - Power
Doubles Pickleball Strategy 201 - Dinking
Pickleball Strategy 201 - Dinking
Doubles Pickleball Strategy 301 - Six Rules of the Fast Game
Doubles Pickleball Strategy 301 - Six Rules of the Fast Game


Backboard Wall Drills for Pickleball
Backboard Wall Drills for Pickleball
Backboard Wall Drills for Pickleball Volume 2
Backboard Wall Drills for Pickleball Volume 2